Advanced subreddit finder - so you can find exactly what you're looking for.

Our embeddings-based system scans thousands of subreddits to find your perfect match.

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Intuitive Search

Search in any way that feels natural to you. Whether you type in a simple keyword like "volleyball" or a more descriptive phrase like "things related to volleyball," our intelligent system understands your intent. It then delivers the most relevant subreddits straight to your screen.

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Our database leverages data from 2024 and includes every subreddit with 1,000 members or more. Ensuring that you have the latest insights at your fingertips. You can confidently promote your content, knowing you're reaching active and significant groups.

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Simple Pricing

We've made our subreddit finder incredibly affordable, with 100 searches for just $9. And to get you started, your first 3 searches are on us — absolutely free! This way you can experience the benefits without any risk.

Don't just take our word for it 🤗

“Very helpful.”

Indish Marketer
Indish Marketer

“Amazing tool. Also digging the pricing model :)”



Søren Rood
Søren Rood

Find your perfect Reddit communities in seconds!